Courtney Walton

Occupation: Guide and Patroller at Silverton Mountain, Wilderness EMT, Carpenter, Freerider, White Water Enthusiast, Dirtbag
Home Town: Silverton, CO
Home Mountain: Silverton Mountain
Snowboarding Since: 1996
Riding Venture Since: 2011
Board of Choice: Current slideable quiver consists of Paragon Split 160-25, Paragon Solid 160-25 and Euphoria 156-27.
Bio: Pacific Northwest roots, Anchorage-Portland- Bend-Maupin. Learned to ride at Mt. Hood in ’96. Started Splitboarding in Central Oregon in ’08. Moved to Silverton Colorado in 2011 and haven’t left. Guiding and patrolling at Silverton Mountain going on six years, huge props to the Silverton Mountain crew for taking me in and helping me progress professionally, and as a snowboarder. Work with the Silverton San Juan County Ambulance Association as a Wilderness EMT-IV. Mountains and rivers are biggest driving forces in my life next to fam and friends. Always thinking about how to be a better cosmic citizen and enjoy our time here on Earth! Very interested in sustainable living. Always room to improve. Love me a good Method!
Best Riding Memory? The first time I ever snowboarded was on my birthday as a kid
with my dad at Mt. Hood Meadows. It was raining. We were soaked. We laughed A LOT! To this day, one of the most influential and life changing experiences.
Why Venture? I first tuned into Venture when I was living in Bend, OR. I have always bought boards made in the USA, and do my best to consider sustainability when making any purchase, but don’t like to compromise quality, especially on boards. When I finally rode a Venture board, I fell in love immediately. They pop harder, can handle high speeds far better, have great tortional stearing and can take a harder beating than any other board I’ve ever ridden! Can’t beat the the shapes and hand made wood cores!