Crash Replacements & Factory Repairs

Venture snowboards rider crash

We've all been there. What looked like fluffy bottomless pow turned out to be a sharp rock. And you hit it with all your weight on your heel edge at full speed. Bang! If you are lucky and on a Venture, maybe you broke the rock. Our boards are as tough as they come, but they are not indestructible. This time you did not get lucky. The edge is bent and there is an opening between the edge and the sidewall. Obviously not a warranty issue. But it was your second day on that board and you are bummed beyond belief.

Don't sweat it, we are here to help with Factory Repairs. Email us a photo and tell us what happened. Often we can repair the damage for a nominal fee and you can get many more awesome days out of that board. We use the same epoxy for repairs as the board was pressed with and that will give you the best possible bond.

If your board is beyond repair we still want to take care of you. This season we are introducing a new program: Crash Replacements. Here's how it works: If your board simply cannot be repaired, you can send it to us and we will give you a discount on a new Venture board, even if your broken board is from a different manufacturer!

Board Discount
24/25 Venture 40%
23/24 Venture 30%
22/23 or older 20%
Non-Venture (21/22 or newer) 20%

Regardless of whether you want a Factory Repair or a Crash Replacement, step one will be to email us a photo. We will then issue a Return Authorization # which you will need to put on the outside of the box when you ship it back. Please do not just send us your board without an RA #. It will get rejected and you will have wasted the money you spent on shipping.

Just to be clear: this program is separate from and in addition to our standard warranty